
How well do you know the West Tamar Municipal Area?

What is the population of West Tamar? Is our population aging or are we getting younger? Are we more or less multi-cultural than the State average? Do we use cars to get to work or do we rely on public transport? These and many more questions can be answered using Council’s community profile website.

The community profile presents data from the 1991, 1996, 2001, 2006, 2011 and 2016  ABS Censuses in simple, clear tables and charts with concise factual commentary. The community profile website enables local businesses, potential investors, community groups, students and the general public, as well as Council officers, to have access to detailed information about the characteristics of the community. 

The online profile provides vastly improved access to information about the community and enables individuals, community groups and organisations to better understand the community and tackle activities such as research, planning, and advocacy.

To view the community profile please visit

A picture is worth a thousand words.

This old adage is never truer than in the demographic field which is why we have also purchased an online community atlas to compliment the information that we have in our online community profile.

The community atlas provides Council with 64 interactive maps each showing different population characteristics from the 2016 Census. Mapped at the smallest level possible (Census Collector Districts),® helps present the spatial distribution and concentrations of specific communities and highlights diversity within the West Tamar.

To view Council’s community atlas please visit

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